Holy Innocents'
Foundation of Oklahoma
“God is light; In him there is no darkness...”
[1 John 1:5]
Holy Innocents’ Foundation of Oklahoma is the first ever stand-alone perpetual adoration chapel in Oklahoma. Being centrally located in Oklahoma City, it provides the opportunity for perpetual adoration for all Catholics and those of Christian beliefs promoting all pro-life issues.
Established in 2011 next door to an abortion mill, with the presence of Jesus just feet away from the ultimate evil, the abortion mill was shut down in December 2014. Months later another abortion mill took up residence, only to be shut down. Now free from the ultimate evil next door, our mission is to continue to pray for an end to abortion in the State of Oklahoma and the world. In 2023, Oklahoma legislation banned almost all abortions. However, the RU-486 abortion pill remains on the shelves. Oklahoma is now one of the most pro-life states, when it comes to the issue of abortion, in the country. However, we still do not have a total “pro-life” stance on all the issues and capital punishment is still enforced in this State. So, our work at Holy Innocents’ Chapel is far from over. You are essential in keeping our doors open and the prayers coming.
Please consider signing up for an hour of adoration.
Please help us keep the doors open for prayer and as Mother Angelica said, “please remember us, keep us between your water bill and your electric bill.” You can donate online by clicking on the Give button.
If you wish to become a dedicated adorer, or to just come visit Jesus and pray, please click on the Visit Us button.